05.09.2014  LEGMASH is the only enterprise in Orsha district that is listed on the Republican Board of Honor.

In Belarus, the winners of the year of 2013 competition have been determined to be listed on the Republican Board of Honor. The corresponding Decree No. 299 "On putting the winners of the 2013 competition up on the Republican Board of Honor" was signed by the President of the Republic of Belarus on June 27th.

In particular, 57 winners of the competition have been determined, including 45 for achieving the best indicators in the field of socio-economic development, 12 for achieving high resource saving indicators.

LEGMASH Plant OJSC (Orsha city) was recognized as the winner among the organizations of industry subordinated to the republican authorities in the nomination "For achieving the best indicators in the field of socio-economic development in 2013."

According to the First Deputy Chairman of the Orsha District Executive Committee Sergey N. Pats, a huge merit belongs to the new plant director Sergey N. Kolos. His arrival at the enterprise brought about drastic changes, which allowed LEGMASH to shift gears.

We congratulate the Director Sergey N. Kolos and the whole big team LEGMASH Plant OJSC with a well-deserved reward!